The Premier Fashion, Style & Beauty Magazine

Bring On The Jam!

, / 1880

As we all know, things have been difficult for fundraising on all levels during Covid, so the big boys have suffered (some Chief Executives have even been known to take a pay cut – some cutting their annual salaries from £160,000 to a mere £80,000! – my heart bleeds!). Don’t get me started on that! It’s the smaller charities that I feel for.

Even down to the community groups in local villages who do their best to keep up the spirits of the villagers with bring and buy sales, dog shows, Easter egg hunts and fetes.

So, when we heard about a local village putting on a plants and cakes event in their local village hall, we wanted to support it. Plus, hubby does love his cake!

The village I’m talking about is Penllyn in the Vale of Glamorgan. The event was brought to our attention by local village and event organiser Val whilst on one of our walks.

We bought some chocolate marble cake and some of Val’s chutney. Yum, yum!

When? July 2020

Event Penllyn Village Hall Plant and Cake Sale

Top Marks and Spencer (old)
Jeggings F & F,  Tesco
Ankle Boots Marks and Spencer (old)
Bag Dune (old)

Photography Mark Roberts

Want to know what’s going on in the Vale of Glamorgan?
Check out our Vale Life website at