The Premier Fashion, Style & Beauty Magazine

Turning Heads In Porthcawl

Michila Harris of Porthcawl's Wig Shop offers a superb collection of designer wigs.
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I’ve had my hair in a pixie crop for quite a few years now. It’s so easy to manage. I just basically wash it, dry it roughly with a towel, and then pop some gum through it messily and I’m done.

When Mark and I got married, I’d grown it into a one length bob which I liked because I could wash it two or three times a week and the style would just stay in. It was thick (probably because I was only in my early thirties and menopause hadn’t kicked in yet). Now, thanks to the lack of estrogen, I’ve noticed that my hairline has receded and I’m losing more hair in the shower. Not massive amounts but noticeable, nonetheless. It’s a bit of a concern.

I’ve tried growing it a few times. More recently during lockdown. But I’ve never got passed that messy “I’m growing it out” stage that you have to go through. I always end up getting it all chopped off again.

While on a visit to Porthcawl recently, I was walking past The Wig Shop and stopped to admire the many wigs on display. Having a bit of time on my hands, I popped in and was greeted by the shop owner Michila. I explained that I was looking for a change in hair style but just wondered if a wig would get me through that messy stage. She said she had quite a few women coming in to try on the wigs for this very reason. There were other, more worthy reasons, but more on that later.

Michila was lovely. She spent lots of time with me, asking me about the styles I liked, my lifestyle and the colours I liked. She knew already, I think, the colour and style that would suit me but went with me anyway, going through just a few options. As soon as she popped the Jennifer Anniston (or Jen-Ann as I call her) wig on me, it was like stepping back in time to my wedding day. Mark thought so too – bonus.

Trust me to pick the most expensive brand in the shop though. The one I chose was the Raquel Welch, which was the lightweight lace front wig designed by the star herself.  It felt like nothing on my head. It was so lightweight, not hot and sweaty like I’d expected. I was sold. I felt so comfortable in it, that I walked through the town with it still in place. I even went into a couple of shops and spoke to people I knew and, despite them looking at me a bit strangely because they knew me with short hair, once I explained that it was a wig, they were shocked. They all said how realistic it looked and that even the hairline looked like it was my own.

I asked Michila who else came in for wigs. She said lots of women, men, children, and transgender, in fact. There were many reasons too. From hair loss due to treatments like chemotherapy, Alopecia, hair thinning due to medications, to people like me who just wanted to change the look, hair colour and style. Some wanted wigs for their theatrical performances. Some just wanted a hair pieces, extensions, or wig accessories.

Michila has had The Wig Shop in Well Street, Porthcawl for three years but her journey started over twenty-five years ago on Kensington High Street, London.

The look at the time was the Iconic red, long, Cher wig and Madonna in the black pixie crop. She remembers having her hair cut just before she left for London and being devastated learning everyone had long locks and she felt so boyish! Her best friend Kyle, who is still a huge inspiration and International Wig stylist, tried a long back hair piece in blonde on her and from there she was hooked and has worn hair since.

She has travelled to Italy and Spain during her wig career, specialising in weave hair extensions too. Along with Kyle, she designed wig ranges, showed at hair exhibitions, and styled for magazines with the odd celebrity. Moving back to Wales has allowed her to work with a diverse range of people for their own specific needs, which she enjoys immensely.

Michila says that like any great product, wigs have evolved in many ways which makes them look extremely natural in synthetic and human hair. She now offers blended colours, for depth, lace fronts and monofilament scalps which gives a lightweight finish. She stocks all the best wig brands including the Raquel Welch style which I had, the Gabor, Kyle Kaine, Hairdo, Natural Image, Toni Brattin and many more. I also loved the Toni Brattin longer, messier style, so got that one as well for a different look. I thought this one would look particularly good with a hat or with a bobble hat in the winter. I love wearing hats but I with my hair so short, I can look like just a face in a hat, if you know what I mean.

Working with Michila was a dream. She took the time to try on lots of different styles of wig until I we hit the jackpot. I could just imagine her with a customer with needs more worthy than just my trivial one. Michila said that the work she does with cancer patients especially makes her job so worthwhile. To see them enter the shop, not really wanting to be there because they’d lost all of their confidence, to leaving feeling like their pre-ill self. Their confidence back and beaming with new-found joy at having their hair back. It definitely brought a tear to both our eyes as she recanted a few tales.

What I do as I job is important. I help businesses get more customers. It’s not brain surgery though. Nor is it doing the amazing work that Michila does with her customers. It must be so rewarding and, speaking with Michila, I could certainly see that it is.

The Wig Shop

9a Well Street, Porthcawl CF36 3BE
01656 663581

Michila is on Facebook too