The Premier Fashion, Style & Beauty Magazine

Summer Beach Dresses: Sheer Style!

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If, like me, you can’t wait for the summer and the opportunity to travel to a hot climate again (we wish!), then a beach dress is a must.

As monies are tight, I’ve been trawling the internet to see if I could find something within budget that I liked. I came across these on the popular site and, at age 58, I wouldn’t normally be looking at a site like this, at a time like this, but needs must!

I love a bit of retro styling so the colours on this one really caught my eye. At only £12, I thought it was a steal. I liked it so much, I ordered the blue one as well.

As I’m not in my early twenties and don’t have the boobs of a young woman anymore, I will be wearing mine with a bikini underneath to protect my modesty and to save me from a public indecency order!

It’s yet to arrive so it might be going straight back but a menopausal woman can still dream!

Sheer class…
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