The Premier Fashion, Style & Beauty Magazine

National Garden Scheme Wales: Kenfig Hill In Bloom

The NGS provides visitors unique access to over 3,500 exceptional private gardens in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.
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Mark and I were delighted to visit and support our good friends Cheryl and Andrew who live in Kenfig Hill near Bridgend. Actually, on this occasion, more specifically, their garden, which they have opened up this summer to help raise money for the various charities who are part of the National Garden Scheme.

Since moving into their lovely home, the couple have completely transformed their garden (we’ve seen the before and after photos) into what you see today.

Cheryl had been busy baking all morning to create wonderful, iced cakes, beautifully decorated cupcakes, lemon drizzle cake and Welsh cakes. Coffee, tea, bubbly and some colourful gins were also available and there was also a raffle, with a generous prize put forward by another good friend Nicky Bright of Nicky Bright Holidays for a weekend stay at one of her cottages in West Wales.

Several hundred people, including friends and neighbours, crossed the threshold and enjoyed the garden in all its glory over the weekend and £1,060 was raised for the NGS to put towards their various worthwhile causes. Cheryl Bass said, “I felt so incredibly blessed that despite the weather we mustered some fantastic support.”

One, which is close to Cheryl’s heart, who owns and runs the hugely popular Women’s Networking Group here in south Wales, I AM WOMAN, is The Nelson Trust, an organisation which operates across Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Somerset, Bristol, and Wales. This organisation offers services to women from specialists who are trauma-informed, gender responsive, and provide holistic support for women and their families. I AM WOMAN are proud to have a representative from The Nelson Trust as a member of the group, which supports the ethos of the network – empowering women in business.

National Garden Scheme
If you would like to take part in the National Open Garden Scheme, then please visit

I Am Woman
Cheryl and several of her I Am Woman members were featured in the spring edition of Vale Life. You can click here to read online.

Nicky Bright Holidays & Interiors
If you would like more information on Nicky Bright Interiors and Nicky Bright Holidays, then please click here.

Nicky was Vale Life’s cover star back in summer 2022. Click here to view the magazine.

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