The Premier Fashion, Style & Beauty Magazine

Fibromyalgia Is A Pain

Diagnosed with Fybromyalgia over twenty years ago, this is the only treatment that ever worked.
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So, what is Fibromyalgia? People are born with Fibromyalgia, but for most, the symptoms don’t manifest themselves and get really bad until later in life, usually when you or your body is super stressed. You can have small niggles, or bladder issues, or as they say be ‘prone to illness’. But you just get told by doctors that they are just growing pains, or you assume that it’s just what everyone goes through.

According to Dr. St Amand and his assistant Claudia Marek (medical research team based in the USA), they believe that the problems are with our kidneys. Basically, we have a genetic defect which means we don’t eliminate phosphates (which we ingest from food). Those stored phosphates then get distributed all over our bodies, creating tender points, bumps and lumps.

Then starts a whole host of symptoms which can include (and these aren’t exhaustive) joint pains, IBS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic bladder and yeast infections, back pain, neck pain, sciatica, shoulder pain, post-nasal drip, sinus and nasal issues, sore feet, tenderness in the ankles and knees,plus insomnia, itching and depression – the list is endless!

The Doctor stumbled across the treatment protocol that he uses – Guaifenesin when he was treating his patients for gout. He found that when he gave his patients these tablets, they got better. Basically, Guaifenesin is a product that lifts the mucus from our bodies. It also does the same thing for phosphates. It is found in cough medicine in smaller quantities. It basically enables our kidneys to do the job they were designed to do.

When taking Guai (shortened name), we also must watch out for salicylates as these can block the tablets from working. Salicylates are found in foods and beauty products. Eaten in small amounts, these are fine but if they are concentrated, as in, mint and aloe for instance, they will block the treatment. This means when you’re following the protocol, you must look out for these salicylates in everything! That includes toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, make-up, razors and vitamins. You also cannot take aspirin as aspirin is pure salicylate. If you go to the hair salon for instance, that’s fine as it’s not something you do every day so, when I need to use something with salicylates in, I do it all on the same day.

Guaifenesin enables your kidneys to start getting rid of the phosphates that are stored all over your body, and, at first, it comes out of your blood stream, which makes you feel good. Then it starts to come out of the bumps and lumps and painful spots that you can feel and that hurts. Thankfully, it comes out six times faster than it goes in. It’s not pleasant but at least you know it’s doing its job.

The other issue is dosage, some people are ‘low dose – fast responders’ which means 300mg might do the trick but most people need to take 1,200mg a day and possibly more to reverse the damage.

Some people find that sweet spot in a few months and some people can take years but when you do get a good spell, it encourages you to keep at it.

If you are interested in knowing more about this disease, go to and/or get the book ‘What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia’.